Alcatel-Lucent 4059 IP Attendant Console


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Alcatel-Lucent 4059 attendant console còn được gọi là SBC (Screen Based Console), là một chương trình ứng dụng đồ họa trên windows dùng để kích hoạt các chức năng của một Attendant console trên máy tính tương thích


  1. Tính năng cơ bản cua key board 4059
  • Chuyển đổi qua lại giữa phầm mềm điện thoại và các chương trình trên máy tính .
  • Hiển thị thông tin tất cả cuộc gọi.
  • Có thể lựa chọn từng cuộc gọi để trả lời hoặc trả lời luân phiên 2 cuộc gọi đồng thời cùng lúc .
  • Trả lời điện thoại – chuyển cuộc gọi.


 1. Introduction

Introduction The 4059 IP Attendant Application, also called SBC (Screen Based Console), is integrated into the Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise. This application provides the maximum level of comfort and user friendliness. It is used when there is just a single attendant set for a system. It may also form part of a team of attendants when telephone requirements mean that several dedicated sets are necessary.

The Alcatel 4059 IP Attendant Application is used to optimize call management: to reply to and easily direct incoming calls, to manage internal calls and, if necessary, to connect internal sets to recipients outside the system. This application also allows the attendant to take some responsibility for system management. The following operations, among others, are available to the attendant: • Switching over the system from standard operation to a status configured for reduced activity (at night, for example) • Reserving external lines for a specific use

• Controlling the use of internal and external lines by the users

• Selecting automatic connection of calls

• Programming the date and time of the system, the checking of call costs, etc.

2. System architecture
The Alcatel 4059 IP Attendant application runs on a PC connected through IP network to the
OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server.
The application runs in Microsoft Windows XP operating environment.
The application (software part) has to be associated to a specific USB keyboard (including telephony
keys and leds), a mouse, and telephone set (legacy or IP hard-phone or soft-phone).

The Alcatel 4059 IP Attendant application runs on a PC connected through IP network to the OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server. The application runs in Microsoft Windows XP operating environment. The application (software part) has to be associated to a specific USB keyboard (including telephony keys and leds), a mouse, and telephone set (legacy or IP hard-phone or soft-phone). All attendants must be part of an attendant group, consisting of up to 50 attendant sets/consoles (the maximum number of attendants in an attendant group depends on the product software version).

The attendants within a group can use different sets/consoles, but all the terminals of the group must be on the same node. An attendant terminal can only belong to one group.

When the attendant is plugged-in, the set is used for the audio (voice communications), all displays and icons are on the PC GUI, all phone set’s keys are disabled. In case 4059 IP Attendant Application is logged-out or 4059 IP application not running, associated phone set should be usable as a business set. In case of problem on PC (e.g. power failure) or IP network, night service or overflow solution could be managed for the phone set.

3. Attendant keyboard

The Attendant keyboard has specific keys for call handling and other telephone functions. On this keyboard, all keys which are not identical to those on a standard PC keyboard are used by the 4059 application. These keys are used for immediate call handling, even when using another application or when the application and/or the PC are off. Each Attendant key corresponds to a specific function. A LED is associated with each keyboard key dedicated to call handling. A lit LED informs the attendant that the corresponding key is available for any operation. Certain standard PC keys can also be used for call handling

3.1 Call handling keys

Specific short telephony keys offer following call handling functions:

• Open the personal directory of the console

• Release: ends the attendant intervention on a call.

• Answer an internal call.

• Redial a number from the list of the last 10 outgoing calls.

• Broker call.

• Place on hold/transfer: places a call on hold (or transfers a call).

• Cancel the consultation call: returns to the main call.

• Call: calls the selected set.

• Answer an external call: displays the list of incoming calls.

• External trunk: displays the list of calls routed or placed on hold.

3.2. Specific LEDs

Six specific LEDs provide information on the system status:

• Night forwarding • Trunk reservation Mail System message

• Auto answer

• Auto transfer

3.3. Standard keys used for call handling

These keys are located on the numeric keypad of the keyboard:

• “0” to “9”, to dial a number

• “#”, to indicate the end of dialling

• “-“, to seize a trunk on the same trunk group without having to dial


PC configuration :

To support the 4059 IP Application Attendant, PC has to support following characteristics:

• PC with Windows XP PRO SP1, Win 7

• Processor Pentium 400 or upper

• 512 MB or more of RAM memory

• 20 MB free on the hard disk

• A CD ROM peripheral

• A mouse

• A free USB connector for the Attendant keyboard.

Additional information




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